The State-Secretary of Budget, Open VLD, Alexia Bertrand, will reflect on some ongoing matters such as the budgetary situation and necessary reforms, as well as the budget control process by the European Commission, the upcoming Belgian Presidency of the EU and overall the Political state of affairs in Belgium, moderated by Peter De Keyzer, Founding partner Growth Inc.
This event will take place on Monday, 5 February 2023 at 17.30 PM at Febelfin, Boulevard Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels.
17:30 Welcome
17:45 Welcome talk by Karel Baert, CEO Febelfin
18:00 Fireside chat met Alexia Bertrand (moderated by Peter De Keyzer) followed by Q&A
19:00 Networking
20:00 End
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Boulevard Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels, Belgique