We kindly invite you to a Bepact session with Mathieu Verjans, National Secretary of ACV / CSC. Mathieu Verjans represents the ACV /CSC in the National Labor Council.
Mr. Verjans will initiate us in the structure and organization of the ACV / CSC, and its interaction with the political and institutional world, NGOs, and employer organizations.
This event will take place on Wednesday 21st of September 2022 at 6 PM.
We changed locations for our activities. The new venue is Léopold Café Royal, Leuvenseweg 2, 1000 Brussel.
17h30 Welcome
18h00 Speech Mathieu Verjans
19h00 Networking
20h00 End
Please register info@bepact.be
Rue de Louvain 2, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique